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Export of Products

Export of Bahco products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All Bahco products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Bahco: professional hand tools for production, construction, installation, repair, garden
  • Hydraulic tools Bahco
    Hydraulic tools
    series BH, etc.
  • Diagnostic tools Bahco
    Diagnostic tools
    BE series, etc.
  • Dynamometer tool Bahco
    Dynamometer tool
    series IZO, BE, 6000, 7000, 8000, etc.
  • A tool for precision work Bahco
    A tool for precision work
    series RX, TRX, 8000, 7000, HS, etc.
  • A tool for electronics Bahco
    A tool for electronics
    BELZER, 3000, 5000, BE series, etc.
  • Wrenches, screwdrivers Bahco
    Wrenches, screwdrivers
    series 9000, 80, RPS, S20, 1952, etc.
  • Saws and cutting tools Bahco
    Saws and cutting tools
    M, 500 series SC, SQZ, 2000, K, etc.
  • Files and boreholes Bahco
    Files and boreholes
    series 100, 200, 300, 400, FM, etc.
  • Drills Bahco
    series 460, 9000, 400, 200 , etc.
  • Chisels Bahco
    series 500, 1500, 2000 527D, 2686, etc.
  • Pliers and wire cutters Bahco
    Pliers and wire cutters
    series 7000, 8000, 2000, 6000, etc.
  • Lighting, protective equipment Bahco
    Lighting, protective equipment
    series BL, GL, etc.
  • Garden tools Bahco
    Garden tools
    series P, R, AP, FP, PG, etc.
  • Intrinsically safe tool Bahco
    Intrinsically safe tool
    NS, NSB, etc. series
  • Tool storage Bahco
    Tool storage
    series SBS, M, BE, T, W, etc.
  • Car Tools Bahco
    Car Tools
    series BE, BU, BOD, BE, BBR, etc.
  • Pipe Tool Bahco
    Pipe Tool
    DOW series, 300, 400, 600, 1000, etc.
  • Finishing tool Bahco
    Finishing tool
    series 600, 800, 400, 2000, 8000, etc.
  • Clamping devices Bahco
    Clamping devices
    series QC, 3000, 400, 6000, 800, etc.
  • Measuring instrument Bahco
    Measuring instrument
    MT, LT series MW, FLX, 426, CL, etc.
  • Isolated tool Bahco
    Isolated tool
    ERGO, PREMIUM, etc. series.
  • Disassembly tool Bahco
    Disassembly tool
    series 4500, 4600, 2000, 3000, etc.
  • Percussion instrument Bahco
    Percussion instrument
    series H, F, M, LS, W, S, PAGES, etc.
  • Pneumatic tool Bahco
    Pneumatic tool
    BP, BPB, BPH, etc. series


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